Our 2024-25 SEASON!
Duo Sonidos
Stéphane Tétreault, cello & Olivier Hébert-Bouchard, piano
As a subscriber, you have all the dates well in advance to help you make plans.
SUBSCRIBE ONLINE on our Secure Ticket System. Your order will be processed and acknowledged automatically by return email.
CONTINUED 2024-25: Subscriber cards will be issued instead of single tickets. The cards can be scanned at each performance. Cards may be given to friends if you are not able to attend a performance or contact us to advise that someone else is attending in your place.
Gift Subscriptions – Give a unique gift of classical music to friends and family.
Call Joanna @ Mooredale House at 416-922-3714 ext.103 during business hours or 647-988-2102 (evening/weekends) and we will contact you to process your order.
To order by mail, print our Subscription Form 2024-25 and mail it to:
Mooredale Concerts Subscriptions
c/o Mooredale House
146 Crescent Road
Toronto, ON M4W 1V2